Smudge Stick Calming Combo (Amethyst)

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Calming Smudge Kit

This kit is all about finding a little peace and harmony in your life. It can be done when your stressed out and just need a breather. 


The art of smudging can be used whenever you need to ground or re-balance your energy field, to help eliminate negative mental or emotional energy patterns and for general upliftment of the soul. It can also be used to lighten the atmosphere of an internal space, in preparation of a sacred space for healing or meditation and to cleanse personal objects and crystals.

Find a quiet spot where you can sit with no distractions for 10 – 15min. Light your Imphepho stick and blow out unitl its smoking. Imphepho is also known as “South African sage” A traditional herb found only in South Africa. Starting from your bottom right and working your way up over your head and down the other side, allow the smoke to waft over you. Then smudge and clear the space you are sitting in as well as your crystal, just allow the smoke of the smudge stick to waft over it. After putting it out in a fire proof bowl (it can be used again) sit in a comfortable meditation position. Hold your crystal in your hand and place your intention (what you want the crystal to do for you) Feel it in your hand, feel its shape and energy. Then put out in the universe what your desire is, always give thanks in the end. 

The crystal has a hole in it for your to hand in your window or anywhere you desire it can even go in your purse or wallet. Once a month put it under full moon to charge. 

This can be repeated at a later stage. 

The Palo Santo sick is made from a sacred wood. When burned the smoke is believed to have both medicinal and therapeutic healing power. It provides energetic protection, removes bad energy and uplifts ones spirit. You can burn this stick after a few days just to keep the energy around you and your space clear. This can also be repeated. 


Amethyst is highly regarded for its beauty and legendary powers to stimulate and soothe emotions and the mind. Its a natural tranquilizer relieving stress, strain, soothing irritability and balancing mood swings. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. It activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It acts as a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction.


Check out our full collection of Incense & Smudging Products

Weight 0.070 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 13 cm

3 reviews for Smudge Stick Calming Combo (Amethyst)

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Sapnah Singh

    Very good size of sage

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  2. Rated 5 out of 5



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  3. Rated 5 out of 5


    Can’t wait to cleanse my home.

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Smudge Stick Calming Combo (Amethyst)

Availability: In stock