Feng Shui Dragon With Glass Ball (10cm)

Original price was: R299.00.Current price is: R239.00.

Availability: In stock

Feng Shui Dragon  (Good Fortune & Prosperity)

The mighty dragon is the most potent symbol of Yang and is one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui. It can survive in any environment, the sea, mountains and even the heavens. It is a mystical creatures that has held emblem since ancient times. It symbolizes power, divinity and nobility. It is carrying a ball of crystal in its claws to represent prosperity and career success. In the Chinese culture the dragon is regarded as the strongest symbol of good fortune and prosperity because the Dragon is believed to emit a special form of Chi, known as Sheng Chi or Celestial Breath. Feng Shui is essentially all about capturing an creating Sheng Chi. It is this “essence of life’ energy that attracts wealth, luck, good fortune, good luck, abundance and success o the area lucky enough to receive it. The dragon is a popular lucky symbol used to enhance business success and prosperity.

The Dragon can be positioned in a variety of ways around the home or office. According to Feng Shui experts, no matter where the Dragon is displayed, it is said to serve to protect the area, create confidence, attract wealth, luck and stimulate the vibes of masculinity.

Don’t forget to add a few extra lucky feng shui coins for good luck

Size: 10x10cm

Material: Resin

View all our Feng Shui products.

Weight 0.308 kg
Dimensions 24 × 15.5 × 16 cm


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Feng Shui Dragon With Glass Ball (10cm)
Original price was: R299.00.Current price is: R239.00.

Availability: In stock