Platonic Solid Crystals in Wooden Box (Obsidian)

Original price was: R1,099.00.Current price is: R859.00.

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

SKU: 18138 Categories: , Tag:

Five Platonic Solid Crystals

Size: Box 18x5cm

The five platonic solids represent the five basic elements, earth, air, fire, water and the universe. They can be worked with in a variety of ways. You can meditate with one using the tetrahedron for transformation, the hexahedron for grounding or connecting to earth, the octahedron for focus, the icosahedron for working through emotions, or the dodecahedron for inspiration.  You can also use them to build a medicine wheel.

The tetrahedron has four triangular faces, its element is fire and its state is heat which represents the “Divine spark”. The form of creativity, original ideas and inspiration. Fire also represents heat to warm and nurture or heat to destroy.

The hexahedron has six square faces, its element is earth and its state is solid which represent foundations and structure. The form is organized, structured ideas, supported, security and strength of conviction.

The octahedron has eight equilateral triangular faces, its element is air and its state is gas which represent mental processes. The form is mental focus, positive thoughts, ideas and outlook.

The icosahedron has 20 triangular faces, its element is water and its state is fluid/liquid which represents emotions. The form is emotional balance and ability to “go with the flow” of life’s experiences.

The dodecahedron has 12 regular pentagonal faces, its element is the ether and its state is spirit which represents the Universe and connection to all that is (wholeness). The form is the balance between spirit and matter, “as above so below”, “Heaven on Earth”.

Black Obsidian cleanses and clears continuously, It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. This is a very powerful cleanser and psychic protection stone. They are very beneficial if you are doing work with your spirit guide helping with spiritual communication. Their powerful vibrations aid you to ground yourself and may Shamans have used them when making contact with the spirit world.

Common Origins: Mexico, USA, Iceland & Kenya

Other Names: Apache Tear, Black Lava Glass

Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn Sagittarius & Scorpio

Planet: Pluto & Saturn

MOHS Hardness: 5

Numerology: 11 & 2

Chakra: Crown, Heart & Root

Elements: Earth & Fire

Comes with a meaning card.

Weight 0.162 kg
Dimensions 24 × 15.5 × 16 cm


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Platonic Solid Crystals in Wooden Box (Obsidian)
Original price was: R1,099.00.Current price is: R859.00.

Availability: Only 1 left in stock