Grounding & Protection Combo


Availability: Only 1 left in stock

Grounding & Protection Combo

All the essentials to assist you with grounding & protection

This gift set includes:

Tourmilated Quartz stone nugget bangle (absorbs negative energy)

White sage incense incense

Protection keyring

Incense holder

White sage perfume oil

White sage smudge pot

Black Obsidian point

Black Obsidian cleanses and clears continuously, It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. This is a very powerful cleanser and psychic protection stone. They are very beneficial if you are doing work with your spirit guide helping with spiritual communication. Their powerful vibrations aid you to ground yourself and may Shamans have used them when making contact with the spirit world.

Shungite rough stone

Shungite is a powerful purification stone. It can clean the energy of an entire room, it means business. You may hear it being called the miracle stone because its a catalyst for growth, transformation and positive change. Entering the user it removes all impurities on every level which eventually goes through the feel into the Earth, making it a powerful grounding stone. Physically it removes toxins from the body and supports the immune system. It also clears each Chakra extending through the energy body from the root chakra upwards.  Shungite works deeply improving mental clarity, purifying emotions and intentions. It also offers a level of protection against outside forces, such as EMF.

Tigers Eye tumble stone

Tigers eye is linked to Mother Earth and the sun which emanates a powerful healing energy. Tigers eye is especially impactful when it comes to attracting wealth and breaking through financial blocks. When you connect to this energizing stone fully you will have the inner power to. push through any obstacle that appears in your way.

Snowflake Obsidian rough stone

Snowflake Obsidian is powerful medicine. Nothing hides from it. It will show you what you need to know about yourself and others. It removes negativity from a place or person with ease. This gemstone brings balance to the mind, body and spirit. It heals both present and past life issues and teaches you to value your mistakes. It’s volcanic origin helps draw emotions to the surface.

Comes beautifully preseneted in a box

Weight 0.320 kg
Dimensions 25.5 × 16 × 26.5 cm


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Grounding Protection Combo pack, protection kit, grounding combo packGrounding & Protection Combo

Availability: Only 1 left in stock